Spyware is software that transmits personal information to a third party without the user's knowledge or consent. Spyware and adware install themselves on a user's machine, often as the trade-off for a piece of “free” software, collecting marketing data and distributing targeted advertising. With the emergence of lucrative online affiliate-marketing business models and the widespread ease with which these threats can be spread, adware and spyware are now major threats in cyberspace.
My comment: Nowadays the number of cyberspace treat increasing so it is necessary to have a strong support from government.it can be giving information to people.for instance Spyware that I mentioned above will be a serious problem for users.
spywares are tools for monitoring and collecting information without authorizing of owners.there is some sophisticated spywares that are sensetive to special words and after finding these words they start navigating the system.Ironically these software can be used by government to collect data from suspects unofficialy!